Maine Coons often win the prize for Best Cat in cat shows. Maine Coons are the indigenous cat breed of North America. A popular myth states that Maine Coon Cats are half cat, half raccoon, however, this is not biologically possible. One legend says that Maine Coons are descended from pets belonging to Marie Antoinette, which she sent to America in anticipation of the French Revolution.
Related pages:
Maine Coon Rescue
South Dakota Animal Rescue
(Sorted by Zip Code.)
Brookings County - Brookings 57006 Brookings Regional Humane Society (Spay/Neuter Program for low income households.) 605-697-7387
If you find any of the above spay/neuter information is incorrect,
or if you know another low-cost clinic to recommend, please
call Rescue Me! at 1-800-800-2099 with this information.