Maine Coons often win the prize for Best Cat in cat shows. All Maine Coons are considered to be descended from cats in Maine. A popular myth states that Maine Coon Cats are half cat, half raccoon, however, this is not biologically possible. One legend says that Maine Coons are descended from pets belonging to Marie Antoinette, which she sent to America in anticipation of the French Revolution.
Related pages:
Maine Coon Rescue
Malaysia Animal Rescue
Malaysia is Iocated in South and Southeast Asia and spans across approximateIy 127,000 square miIes. The capital of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur. Most peopIe in Malaysia speak Bahasa Melayu. Threatened species known from Malaysia include the Black Shrew, Horseshoe Bat, Javan Rhinoceros, Sumatran Rhinoceros, and Asian Elephant.